‘Eye on Canon’ Joins The SWU Podcast Network
The Star Wars Underworld is thrilled to announce the latest addition to our brand-new podcast network: Eye on Canon!
Hosted by Matthew Neugebauer and Joel Davis, Eye on Canon focuses on the publishing arm of the Star Wars galaxy with deep dives into the themes and questions raised by the stories told in novel, comic book, and short story form. On the air since January 2022, the podcast explores the relationship between “screen canon” and “paper canon” and what each can impact and influence the other. The show also dedicates special coverage to the ongoing The High Republic publishing initiative with book reviews and news updates about this (allegedly) more civilized age.
Eye on Canon will broadcast Mondays at 8:30 pm ET/5:30 pm PT on the Star Wars Underworld YouTube channel. Audio-versions will continue to be posted to the existing Eye on Canon podcast feeds.
Matthew and Joel joined the Star Wars Underworld Podcast this week to celebrate joining the network and for a deep-dive into the meaning of “canon”. Check it out below,